

Evalurate is an easy way for teams to perform peer evaluations. Evalurate was my Capstone Project completed at Northern Arizona University with my team -- Dylan Grayson, Conner Swann, and Brian Saganey. Additional information including design documents can be found here.

Role: Full Stack Developer + Designer

Tech Stack

  • Meteor
  • BlazeJS
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap, with additional styles written in Sass
  • DigitalOcean, for application hosting
  • mLab, for MongoDB hosting


Admins can create projects and assign evaluations

Admins can create projects and assign evaluations in any 'unit'. A unit can be any 'organization' (e.g. CEFNS) or child below it (e.g. CS 477).

Admins can view all members in a unit and add more

Admins can view all members in a unit and add more.

Admins can view information about any member in their organization in the profile view.

Admins can view information about any member in their organization in the profile view.

Admins recieve notifications when evaluations are completed.

Admins recieve notifications when evaluations are completed.

Regular users can view which projects they are in and what evaluations they must complete.

Regular users can view which projects they are in and what evaluations they must complete.

Regular users complete evaluations created by admins.

Regular users complete evaluations created by admins.

Users can be included in multiple organizations, during sign in, they choose which one to view.

Users can be included in multiple organizations, during sign in, they choose which one to view.

Sign in Page

Sign in Page